Monthly Archives: May 2023

A Simple Explanation of How the Cooling System Works

A Simple Explanation of How the Cooling System Works

A lot of people talk about the cooling system and how it is important for your vehicle. While it is obvious that it cools something, what is that something exactly? Furthermore, what are its components and how does it work? Well, we will answer exactly this down below - three main parts are explained below: the components, what they do, and how to maintain them. The Components The cooling system consists of several key components: Radiator: It is a heat exchanger made up of small tubes and fins. Its job is to dissipate heat from the coolant fluid. Coolant: It is a mixture of water and additives that help regulate the engine temperature by flowing in a continuous loop. Water Pump: It circulates coolant through the engine and radiator. Thermostat: The thermostat acts as a valve, regulating the flow of coolant based on the engine's temperature. Hoses: These are the channels through which coolant flows between different  components of the cooling system ... read more